Jackie is one of our longest-standing team members, having been with Armstrong Murray since 1991. If we need to track down a historical file, Jackie is the first person we ask – she knows the office building and filing system inside out.

Everyone on our team has a soft spot for Jackie. She’s warm, caring and positive.

Jackie’s elderly clients appreciate her patience and respectful nature, while her younger clients value her calm, reassuring manner as they navigate their first home purchase.

She is absolutely lovely with her estate clients too, always walking them through the legal process with sensitivity and kindness during their time of grief.

Want to learn more about Jackie? Have a look at our Q&A with her below.

1. What does a typical weekend look like for you?

As relaxing as possible; catching up with friends over a coffee or dinner, taking the dog for a walk, a spot of shopping. And at least one sleep in!

2. What’s your favourite type of pizza?

Margherita – plain and simple.

3. Are you a dog person or a cat person?

Definitely dog. We have a 16-year-old Jack Russell who is like a member of the family.

4. Where was your most memorable holiday?

Travelling from San Francisco to Vegas for my 50th, finishing with a cruise around The Bahamas.

5. Who is your favourite musician or band?


6. Where is your favourite NZ holiday spot?

Great Barrier Island.

7. What’s the best book you’ve ever read?

This is a hard one. I remember loving ‘Power of One’ when I read it many years ago.

8. Which TV show are you currently watching?

The Handmaid’s Tale

9. What’s your morning beverage of choice?

I always have a black coffee as soon as I open my eyes!

10. What’s your evening beverage of choice?

When socialising, usually vodka and coke.

11. What’s your least favourite food?

This is hard because I love all food; I guess broad beans. Also, anything I’ve cooked because it’s definitely not my forte.

12. You’re happiest when…

Summertime, having a barbie at home with friends and family.

13. Which song are you embarrassed to admit you like?

All Dr Hook songs.

14. What’s your favourite local restaurant or cafe?

Tokyo Bay in Takapuna or Black Rice in Albany.

15. What was your first job?

Picking strawberries.

16. What aspect of your role do you love the most?

I love helping first home buyers with their purchase. It is such an exciting time and it’s lovely to share the experience with them. First home buyers often find the process quite overwhelming, so it’s nice to be able to make it as stress-free as possible for them.

17. What is your proudest personal moment?

Having my first daughter and then having my second – nothing compares.

18. What did you want to be when growing up?

A journalist.

19. What job would you be terrible at?

Anything to do with music. I’m tone-deaf.

20. What do you like most about Armstrong Murray?

Easily, the people I work with. As I have worked here for so long, I’ve formed many great friendships with people who have come and gone. We’ve been lucky enough to always have a team of great people who care about each other and I think that is very unique.